– Event – Indonesia Halal Lifestyle Center kembali akan menggelar The 2nd Indonesia International Halal Lifestyle Expo and Conference (INHALEC) pada 19-21 Oktober 2017 di Balai Kartini, Jakarta. Kegiatan yang kedua kalinya ini didukung oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah, Kementerian Perindustrian, Kementerian Pariwisata, dan Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM.
About the Event
The 2nd Indonesia International Halal Lifestyle Expo & Conference, then called INHALEC 2017 is created by the Indonesia Halal Lifestyle Center or IHLC, center of information and activities concerning halal business.
The INHALEC 2017 will show various Halal products which cover 10 sectors, mainly focus on food, fashion, cosmetics, media recreation & travel, performing arts and film screening. It will be interesting for Halal businessmen, artists, IT experts and other parties who are interested in Halal matters, as it’s different from other events.
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